I Believe.

Do you?

Hi, I’m Yawatta Hosby. I used to be in a dark place mentally like 5 years ago, but I overcame that by working on myself, day by day. Now, I’m pursuing an artist career and am happy with myself. Months ago, I was starting to have negative thoughts again until I noticed angel numbers. Now, I’m on a quest for a spiritual awakening journey. I’ve been more productive in moving forward in living my dreams in the past few months than anything I’ve done in the past year. And I owe this all to my guardian angels guiding me. I promise if you’re in a negative mental space, you can get out too.

This personal newsletter will share the angel numbers I notice and the steps I take to keep up with positively moving forward to pursue my goals and dreams. Do you believe in angel numbers? Do you believe in guardian angels? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in Divine right time?

I do.

My newsletter will:

  • Share angel numbers I notice

  • Share my personal, spiritual journey

  • Share me letting go of my past

  • Share my triumphs and failures. That’s the only way to learn, right

I hope you sign up. I hope to reach people who want to change their lives for the better even though they feel stuck. Sharing our stories can help each other. If you don't feel comfortable leaving a comment here, then please keep in touch with me by email. My email is inspireawakeninawe(AT)gmail(DOT)com. We can be in this together ;)

Keep smiling,

Yawatta Hosby

Subscribe to Inspire. Awaken. In Awe.

Learn how to stop feeling stuck by noticing angel numbers


Hi, I used to be in a dark place mentally like 5 years ago, but now I'm inspired to pursue my spiritual journey.